Baby Emerson
Emerson Lee
August 14th at 5:44AM
9 lbs 4 oz, 21 inches long
He was and is, beautiful and VERY healthy, so we are extremely blessed.
Our due date was Aug. 15th, so thankfully he came a day early since I can't imagine how big he would have been had he been late.
I had been feeling my body getting ready for about a week with little contractions here and there, especially at night. Then Thursday, August 12th at 5 am I awoke it felt like I had wet the bed. It took 3 pairs of undies to realize this wasn't incontinence, but my water breaking. So, we called our doula and updated her and she said to stay well hydrated and get lots of vitamin C (I tested positive for Strep B). Things were very calm at this point and I felt excited, but I went back to sleep for about an hour. Jon went to work for about 2 hours to get things wrapped up and I showered, shaved, got the house cleaned up, etc. Things continued beautifully throughout the day. Jon got home and we headed out for an awesome breakfast and a walk down by the beach. We walked from the top of Ledbetter to Chase Palm park and back. This helped contractions get more regular. At one point (going up the hill) I even had to stop and really breath through one. We were staying in phone contact with our doula throughout the day. LONG story short my contractions would continue to peter out here and there. We tried to get lots of rest when they did. At 1 am, our doula called to say we should think about when we wanted to go to the hospital, since no one was monitoring us and I was Strep B positive. I felt fine, but started to get worried about not feeling the baby enough, so Jon and I decided we might as well have peace of mind and head to the hospital.
This is where my story truly becomes a blessing and I know God's hand (our whatever higher power you may believe in) was in it the entire time. I was not excited about the hospital, BUT turns out my friend was the nurse on duty and was the first to welcome us. I was immediately put at ease. The other nurse used to be a midwife in New Zealand and she was cracking jokes. It was so comfortable and such a warm welcome. We were monitored and both doing great. This is about 2 am, Friday, August 13th. So we thought for sure our baby would be born today......
My Dr. showed up and checked me at 9 am and I was only 1 1/2 centimeters dilated. We decided to try the Pitocin to see if it would kick start things, since I had been in labor for 24 hours and now had to have antibiotics (b/c the Strep B) and I wasn't dilating on my own. I was 100% effaced. They started Pitocin on level 2 and upped it every half hour. I only got to level 4 and it was doing a steady job, so they let us stay on the low level and never once adjusted it or suggested increasing it again. Every nurse was respectful of our wishes and let us labor as a team. It took me ALL day to get to 10 centimeters, I didn't get to 10cm until Saturday at about 1 am. We tried lots of positions, LOTS of walking the halls, lots of sitting on the toilet, which I liked a lot. I liked sitting on the ball a lot in the beginning stages, too. So, I labored for a LONG time and not once did a doctor or nurse discuss further intervention or c-section, I think this had most to do with the fact that my baby boy's heart rate was strong the entire time!
At 1 am, I started pushing and at this point I was SOOO tired from all that dilating with no pain meds that any other position besides on my back was too difficult. It actually was better on my back because we needed to try to get his head under my pelvic bone, where he did not seem to want to go. I pushed for 4 hours, it was crazy, but also so amazing. At one point the Dr. asked if he could help "put a vaccum on his head" and I answered very clearly "no" and knew this would happen naturally and it did! SO, YES, I gave birth with no pain meds and my labor was technically 49 hours long, if you count from the time my water broke.
It was the most beautiful experience I have ever had. My husband was a total champion the whole time and our doulas kicked butt. We lucked out with 2 doulas because Alexis (the one from our class) was training with ours and joined us. It was a good thing I had such an amazing team and the nurse who coached me through the pushing was UNREAL too; she stayed past her shift just to see us through to the end. It would have NOT have been possible without all of that support, I know this to be true. They kept me strong and grounded and I can't say enough good things. We had a wonderful experience! Don't get me wrong, it was the most difficult thing I have ever done, but I wouldn't trade a second of it.
Our baby boy is amazing!!
THINGS I LIKED DURING LABOR: my red velvet pancake breakfast, WALKING, the toilet & exercise ball for pushing, people making jokes, my music, low lights, moaning on the breath out with my team in a low tone, coconut water for staying hydrated.
THINGS I LIKED WHILE IN RECOVERY AT THE HOSPITAL: I took 2 sitz baths a day, ice packs, a shower with travel size fancy shampoo and conditioner (it made me feel luxurious), their sexy cotton mesh undies (I took some pairs home, they were comfortable for that time), graham crackers and pudding!, Petra (the birth certificate lady) she made us laugh so much!
A hospital birth can truly still be your own and beautiful!
Jon, Sarah-Sue, and Emerson